For The Love Of Thick Eyebrows

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

We all have so many insecurities and I'll be the first to admit that I am no exception. It has taken me a long time to accept so many things about myself and one of those things are my eyebrows. Am I seriously making a post about eyebrows? Yup.

I have spent so much time coming to terms with loving this feature about myself and I think it's important to put a spotlight on something I was once ashamed of. I never used to think about my eyebrows or really anything because I was honestly so carefree and I simply enjoyed life. It wasn't until a I heard a girl make fun of me that I started to become self conscious. I was mortified and a feeling of shame overcame me and did a lot of damage to the way I perceived myself. It started a slight downward spiral of insecurity which was honestly so horrendous. I wish with all my heart that the current me could go back to little me and give her a giant hug. I would tell myself to be proud of everything you have been given and that thick eyebrows will be way in soon!

I mean, just look at how fabulous these brows are :) 

I guess the whole point of this post is to bring home the concept of accepting things that make you you. It sure has hell took me a long time but I that acceptance of my eyebrows has brought me so much peace and so much confidence in so many other things. I love all my features and I know I'm a strong woman even though I still have my days but I know we all do. 

That's me!

I think the most rewarding part of accepting the things that me unique is when I explain to my younger cousins and the younger girls I work with just how much better things are when you do. So for the love of thick eyebrows, come to peace with what you are blessed with as best as you can. I promise you, it makes a difference!


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