21 Things

Monday, June 27, 2016

My birthday is coming up very soon and the idea for this came from a period of reflection as well as some soul searching on Pinterest (I do this more than I would like to admit haha). I'm going to be 21 in about a week and I'm so grateful for another year where I have been able to learn so much. In honor of getting a little older, learning, growing, and accomplishing things, I wanted to go over the 21 things I've learned by age 21.

1. Being kind is always the way to go. Don't let the world harden you to a point where you find it hard to show kindness towards others.

2. Don't change yourself for anyone or anything.

3. It's important to be able to take criticism properly. Managing to gracefully accept what others think applies to work and life.

4. People will always have something to say - don't let it get to you. You are fabulous and fierce!

5. Call home. It'll make you feel better.

6. Only you truly know yourself. No one will ever know you as well as you know yourself no matter how much you open up.

7. Very few things are permanent. People will come and go, things will change, and at times there will be nothing you can do about it.

8. Do not let rejection stop you from trying. Things will not always go the way you want but you have to keep going no matter what.

9. Know your worth. You are valuable and your skills are valuable do make sure to keep that in mind as you go through all the things you have to do.

10. Stand up for what is right. It does not matter what others might think but it certainly does matter if you stand up to injustice.

11. Take time off to enjoy yourself. Don't let the hustle and bustle of life burn you out.

12. Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person. If someone drains you, it's time to let them exit your life.

13. Your time is valuable. Spend it wisely because you're never going to get it back.

14. Your siblings have the potential to be your best friends.

15. You are so much stronger than you know. You can and will get through things you thought you would never be able to recover from.

16. Lifting others up and supporting their success will never harm you. Help, and be the best cheerleader possible.

17. Trust your instincts even when you seem a little confused about why you feel a certain way about something. Usually, your instincts are spot on.

18. Take a step back and observe what is going on instead of talking. You'll learn so much about the people in your life.

19. Be wary of people. As sad as it is, not everyone has the best in mind for you. Protect yourself and be wary.

20. Don't let anyone control your life because at the end of the day, it's your life. No one else is going to going to your job everyday, and no one is going to be doing exactly what you are doing.

21. Live for the little moments. Cherish the things in your life and if you can, try to create some of these moments for someone else. What goes around comes around after all :)


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