The Battle With Hyperpigmentation

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hi, guys! I took a much-needed break from blogging over the course of the past couple weeks but I'm back and better hopefully haha.

Recently, I've been battling something I've never had a problem with before - hyperpigmentation (ugh). For the most part, I've had pretty clear skin for the majority of my life but this summer, I got some serious acne on my cheeks and while that is completely gone, I am left behind with a bunch of hyperpigmentation. Yikes. I started looking for solutions and I recently found a routine that has been working for me! My hyperpigmentation is fading :) I also recently booked a dermatologist appointment to see what else I can do but I wanted to share some products and tips that have been working for me. I also want to make a note to say that despite me having hyperpigmentation, I am still so beyond blessed because not only do I love myself despite having the hyperpigmentation but also because my struggles with my skin are nothing compared to so many. I am so lucky and I am so aware and grateful for that. That point aside, ya girl is just trying to get her best skin! So now that I've gone on for a bit, on to the post. For reference, I have oily skin.

For starters, what I have is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). I do not have acne scarring nor do I have sun spots. What I have is not severe by any means but it's still noticeable. For this, I have established a skincare routine that has been making a difference. That along with some additional tips is making me love my skin even more. Let's start with the skin care routine:

Skincare Routine

Cleanser --- Exfoliator --- Serum --- Moisturizer

Cleanser: I have been using the Clear Pore Normalizing Cleanser from Paula's Choice. Guys, I love it. For the longest time, I was using a salicylic acid cleanser to control the oil on my skin but I realize now that it was stripping my skin of important oils that help prevent breakouts. This cleanser has been great for me - unscented, makes my skin feel clean and not greasy, and it's not expensive ($12 for 6 oz). Score!

Exfoliator: This was a one of my two absolutely game changing products. I have never been one to exfoliate. I just didn't see it as an important part of my daily skincare routine but I was so wrong. When I started reading up and learning more about skincare, I realized that exfoliation is so necessary for healthy skin!!! I originally went and bought a physical exfoliator (which I still love because it's gentle and wonderful) but it was doing nothing for my hyperpigmentation. That's when I turned to chemical exfoliation and the world of AHAs and BHAs.  Basically, AHAs are for people who's main concern is sun damage, and excess pigmentation while BHAs are more for people with active acne, enlarged pores, blackheads, and in some cases rosacea (consult your derm to be safe!). You guys, I was so nervous and I was not looking forward to skin that would become slightly more sensitive to the skin but I decided it was something I needed to do. I choose the Pixi Glow Tonic as my AHA exfoliator - it has 5% Glycolic Acid which is a safe amount and this exfoliator does not dry out the skin. I slowly started applying this both day and night and the chemical exfoliation from the glycolic acid started to fade my marks. It's still doing its job but it's working. Very important to remember that you NEED to put on SPF while using this (you should anyway on a regular basis) but especially while you are using any type of acid on your skin, even salicylic. Now this is something that is a little on the pricier end but totally worth it ($15 for 3.4 oz and $30 for 8.4 oz). This goes very fast but as I said, it's worth it.

Serum: Oh boy, this is where the big money comes in. This is my second absolutely game changing product. Serums contain concentrated ingredients and help speed up the process in treating the problems you might have. I decided to splurge on the Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum ($80). Yes, this is expensive but do not fret because let me tell you about Bath and Unwind ;) I knew that I wanted to get this serum to help fade my pigmentation and I heard nothing but amazing things about Caudalie. I found this serum on Bath and Unwind (A British company) for $50. I jumped for joy because not only was this a savings of $30 but also because they offer free international shipping. Honestly, I was a little skeptical at first but after doing some research, I found out that because Caudalie is a Paris-based company, their products are cheaper in Europe hence the price difference. I placed the order and the serum arrived in perfect condition on the expected arrival date. Keep in mind, it took two weeks because it was shipped from the U.K and had to go through customs but it got here and I couldn't be happier. While their response time on emails is awful, Bath and Unwind is reliable and my product got here and exceeds my expectations. It has helped my spots lighten up and has given my whole face a wonderful glow. Love love love - a bonus is that it smells divine (also it's very light, works for all skin types, a little goes a long way and it's all natural so no photosensitivity). Can you tell I love it? 

Moisturizer: You guys already know my two picks for this. During the day, I like to use a moisturizer with at least SPF 30. Recently, I've been loving the Olay Moisturizer with SPF 30 and I alternate this with my Neutrogena Moisturizer with SPF 35 but I've been trying to avoid oxybenzone (that is a post for another day) so I've been using my Olay one a bit more. Both get the job done. At night, I've been staying faithful to my Josie Maran Light Argan Oil but since the serum feels a little bit hydrating on my skin and my skin is already oily, I have been skipping out on it some nights and my skin has been doing great and is not dry one bit. It's important to make sure your skin is feeling hydrated always, despite your skin type. 



Going to try and keep this short and sweet since this post is already SO long haha. 

1) Be consistent with sun protection - if you are using products and not using SPF, pigmentation will not get better.

2) Give it time - the best thing you can do is be patient. If you get nothing out of this post but one thing, the one thing should be that time will be the best healer. You need to give everything time to work and you need to let your skin do its thing. 

3) Love yourself despite whatever you might be facing - You are beautiful! Your inner beauty is always the most important aspect of you as a person and try to remember the surface things mean nothing at the end of the day. What means the most is what type of person you are - if you are kind, loving, open-minded, and accepting, I can promise you that nothing else with matter. 

Yes, work towards being the best version of you but be the best version of you both on the outside and inside. 


    Current Obsessions

    Friday, July 1, 2016

    June has come to end (already!) and I have a list of things that I've been loving. Every so often, I find myself surrounded by the urge to share the everyday obsessions in my life. Without further ado, here we go:

    1. NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: Yes, a concealer is on my list of current obsessions! I was originally very hesitant about buying this because of two things: the price ($29 USD) and the color match. I've had some huge misses in terms of color matches for my skin but to my surprise, the color Ginger in this concealer was as close as a match I could have gotten. The match really made me give in and spend the money on this product and I honestly haven't been disappointed. The coverage is fantastic, the consistency is great for blending, and the finish is so natural which is a huge plus for me! The majority of my everyday makeup routine literally involves putting this on my face with some powder and blush. Das it.

    2. Fred V & Grafix: This is a DJ duo that I've recently fallen in love with. One of their songs came up on my Youtube suggested videos and it's been love every since then. Two songs in particular that I love are Nearly There and Ignite. 

    3.  A 10-year-old applied to a prestigious tech fellowship: Five by Five, an innovative agency launched their prestigious technology fellowship for the summer and an ambitious 10-year old girl applied so that she get help with the robot she made to make the people of Paris happy! This literally made me smile ear to ear. The best part? She was accepted. Here is a snippet of the acceptance letter:

    "Dear Eva, The answer is yes. You have been selected as one of Paris’ first-ever Summer Innovation Fellows among an impressive pool of candidates from all across the world: accomplished urban designers, data scientists, and hardware specialists.  I love your project and agree that more should be done — through robotics or otherwise — to improve Paris’ streets and make them smile again."

    You can read the entire letter and story that I've linked above. 

    Those have been my current obsessions! It's a short and sweet list for the past two weeks. What are some of yours?


    21 Things

    Monday, June 27, 2016

    My birthday is coming up very soon and the idea for this came from a period of reflection as well as some soul searching on Pinterest (I do this more than I would like to admit haha). I'm going to be 21 in about a week and I'm so grateful for another year where I have been able to learn so much. In honor of getting a little older, learning, growing, and accomplishing things, I wanted to go over the 21 things I've learned by age 21.

    1. Being kind is always the way to go. Don't let the world harden you to a point where you find it hard to show kindness towards others.

    2. Don't change yourself for anyone or anything.

    3. It's important to be able to take criticism properly. Managing to gracefully accept what others think applies to work and life.

    4. People will always have something to say - don't let it get to you. You are fabulous and fierce!

    5. Call home. It'll make you feel better.

    6. Only you truly know yourself. No one will ever know you as well as you know yourself no matter how much you open up.

    7. Very few things are permanent. People will come and go, things will change, and at times there will be nothing you can do about it.

    8. Do not let rejection stop you from trying. Things will not always go the way you want but you have to keep going no matter what.

    9. Know your worth. You are valuable and your skills are valuable do make sure to keep that in mind as you go through all the things you have to do.

    10. Stand up for what is right. It does not matter what others might think but it certainly does matter if you stand up to injustice.

    11. Take time off to enjoy yourself. Don't let the hustle and bustle of life burn you out.

    12. Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person. If someone drains you, it's time to let them exit your life.

    13. Your time is valuable. Spend it wisely because you're never going to get it back.

    14. Your siblings have the potential to be your best friends.

    15. You are so much stronger than you know. You can and will get through things you thought you would never be able to recover from.

    16. Lifting others up and supporting their success will never harm you. Help, and be the best cheerleader possible.

    17. Trust your instincts even when you seem a little confused about why you feel a certain way about something. Usually, your instincts are spot on.

    18. Take a step back and observe what is going on instead of talking. You'll learn so much about the people in your life.

    19. Be wary of people. As sad as it is, not everyone has the best in mind for you. Protect yourself and be wary.

    20. Don't let anyone control your life because at the end of the day, it's your life. No one else is going to going to your job everyday, and no one is going to be doing exactly what you are doing.

    21. Live for the little moments. Cherish the things in your life and if you can, try to create some of these moments for someone else. What goes around comes around after all :)


    What To Do Now? Post-Graduation Blues

    Sunday, June 26, 2016

    Update: I ALSO GRADAUTED (6/2/17)!!

    I've recently have had a bunch of people in my life graduate from college (I'M SO PROUD). A lot of them have come to me in utter confusion about what to do next. That has caused me to really sit down and think as well as consult with those who are well in past graduating in any part of their life. Together with some incredible people, the following list was born. Although I'm no expert on what to do after graduating since I'm only a senior in college, I really took to heart the advice given to me by those who have already moved on to their post-grad lives.

    What to do after graduating?

     Enjoy the moment and be proud of yourself: It is human nature to overlook one's achievements and simply jump in to the future. At this point, I can't stress how important it is to take a step back and really think about the amazing thing you've just done. After years of work, you're one of the few people in this world who have obtained an education. You've walked across the stage and came down with a degree. That is INCREDIBLE. Do not sell yourself short! Really take a look at the past couple years and realize that all those late nights, and 8am classes were beyond worth it. 

     Take a look at your loan statements: Many people who graduate do so with the help of some sort of loan and after graduating, it's extremely important to take a look at all of your loans and make a plan. This is part of being an adult and as scary as it is, it is crucial to make a plan on how you will be paying back the money your borrowed. Thinking now will save you a lot of problems in the future. Know that you aren't alone as you start to work on a repayment plan. Ask for help in terms of understanding on how loans work because you'll be surprised to find how willing people are to spread their knowledge about how they worked through their budgeting to make things work.

    Do something you've always wanted to: Yes college gives you a lot of freedom but you will have some time just after graduation which will the most incredible sense of freedom you will ever experience in your life. Do something you've wanted to for as long as you could remember. Do you remember wanting to travel to every continent? Do it. Do you remember wanting to take that tap dancing class? Do it. Do you remember thinking you wanted to start a business? Do it. You are on a roll in your life and embracing this will give you wonderful memories as well as morale to continue the transition in to adulthood. 

    Know that the best is yet to come: This is probably the most important point on this list. Yes, you graduated and no it is not the end of having fun and enjoying yourself. The next five years are going to be the best times of your life because you have the perfect mixture of maturity and a desire to live life to the fullest. Take risks while you can, try new things, and if you don't know what you are doing with your life, you're lucky :) You have the prime of your life to figure that out. I've heard a lot of people say "It all goes down hill from here" but I strongly disagree. There is no where to go but up. You are equipped with a degree, a sense of adventure, and the best is truly yet to come. 

    Congrats to everyone who has graduated! I am excited to be in your shoes next year.


    To My Dad

    Sunday, June 19, 2016

    To my Dad,

    There will never be enough words in the world to express the gratitude I have for everything that you have done for not only me but also for our entire family. You are a pillar of strength when everyone is crumbling. You are love when there is a need for acceptance. You are kindness when anyone requires a hand. To many, you seem serious and an all work/no play type of person. To me, you are the jokester that makes me laugh after a bad day.

    For leaving a life of luxury so that your kids could have a brighter future, for working all the overnight shifts that require you to give up sleep, for treating my mom like a queen and emulating inspiring characteristics, for accepting all my mistakes and loving me anyway - thank you.

    I love you.

    Me and my pops


    Wishing a Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there and all the people who play father figure roles in the lives of so many!

    My Favorite Products for Oily/Acne Prone Skin

    Saturday, June 18, 2016

    I'm past my teen years but I still struggle with Acne. For a while I was so discouraged because no matter what I would do, acne would still pop up on my face. It wasn't until I started using the following products that I really began to see a difference. My acne has slowed down and I've started to notice my skin clearing up quite a bit. The product are as follows:

    1. Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Face Wash: This face wash is perfect for removing oil and gunk from your face and it's on the more gentle end of Salicylic Acid washes with 0.5% of the wash containing the medication. This wash doesn't dry my skin out and really controls my skin. I highly recommend!

    2. Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer with SPF 35: Sun Protection!!!! This moisturizer is so great because it provides protection from the sun which is incredibly important for healthy and youthful skin. What I love most about this is that in addition to being non-comedogenic (doesn't clog pores), the moisturizer has a very faint SPF smell despite having a great amount of SPF. Another perk is the lack of perfume and lack of oil. Even my oily skin has no problem with this moisturizer.

    3. Josie Maran Light Argan Oil: Honestly, this oil has been amazing for me. I was always one of those people who was afraid to put oil on my skin simply because my skin was already so oily. After doing a lot of extensive research, I found out that oil is needed by your skin and oil in fact stops your skin from producing the extra oil that clogs pores and causes acne. When I finally decided to purchase an oil for my skin, I was on the hunt for the best one. Do I get jojoba? Coconut? Pumpkin Seed?! I eventually ended up choosing a light argan oil from Josie Maran because it has a comedogenic rating of 0 and so many incredible reviews. I was not disappointed! After using it, my skin has started to feel so much softer and I've stopped producing extra oil in my T-Zone. This is an investment that is totally worth it.

    4. Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask: I love Origins - their products just make my skin feel so good. After doing research( I have to learn the ins and outs of the product before I buy it...every single time), I decided to get this charcoal mask to use once/twice a week depending on my skin. Charcoal is a natural ingredient that is able to dig down and clean pores which makes it a great thing to use to really get a clean feel. I really love the way my skin feels after putting the mask on and it's a mask I plan on purchasing again.

    5. Clean & Clear Dual Action Skin Moisturizer: This is another moisturizer that I really like. It's non-comedogenic, oil free, and leaves a nice cool feel to my skin. The only difference is that it contains salicylic acid which helps calm down any bumps that pop up on my skin. I reach for this as my night moisturizer so that the salicylic acid can fight through the night to keep my skin as clear as possible.

    6. Biore Complexion Clearing Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser: Now this is a cleanser that I've been using for about two years and I love it. It's much stronger than the Aveeno Cleanser that I use in the morning. It contains about 2.5% salicylic acid and really does take all oil and dirt off your skin. It's important to use this with a great moisturizer because it does have the potential to dry out your skin even though it hasn't personally dried out my skin. It's gives a really cool and refreshing finish which I really enjoy.

    In addition to the products above, I'd like to give a shoutout to Clean and Clear's Persa Gel 10 which is a Benzoyl Peroxide spot treatment that has helped me tremendously. I attack any skin issues with a combination of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid and it has worked perfectly for me!

    Do you have any favorite skin products? I'd love to know in the comments below.


    Celebrating yourself - The Reverse Bucket List

    Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    I'm really guilty of being too hard on myself guys - I don't cut myself slack...ever. Eventually, I end up breaking and crying because of everything that I have bottled up. However, as I am getting older and as yet another birthday approaches (yikes haha), I am learning to take a moment to appreciate all the things that I have accomplished. Just taking a look at myself last year and comparing that to now, I can declare with full confidence that I have grown and have accomplished more than I thought I would. In honor of that, I wanted to do a reverse bucket list - a list that gives recognition to the things that I have accomplished in one way or another.

    I love myself - I do. I love myself. I can't tell you long it has taken me to tell myself that I am important and that I am someone who is full of worth. I literally woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and said "I love myself." Saying those words out loud immediately lifted a burden off of my shoulders and suddenly everything seemed just a tad bit brighter. I won't lie and say that there aren't days where I berate and criticize everything I do but it's not nearly as bad as it once was. My standards for friendships and relationships have soared as well and I have never been happier. Knowing that I am full of worth has made me put up with less crap so I've cut out people who drain me of positive energy because ain't nobody got time for that.

    I'm a senior in college - I'm less than 20 credits away from a degree!! College has kicked my ass and I've fallen down more than I can even count but I've gotten back up every single time through the help of my family, a few select friends, and my own willpower to keep going. Through deaths of people I loved, loss of people I thought would be my friends forever, being rejected over and over, I've remained standing. I've carried on. I'm on track to graduate with high honors and I'm looking forward to continuing my education so that I can help those in need. I've grounded myself and I now know that you have to keep moving. Life does not stop moving even when you are trying to not fall apart. 

    I've become a leader - These past couple years I've heard a lot of things about myself, some good and some bad. Recently, I heard that I'm not "firm enough" and that "I'm too nice" to possibly lead a team effectively even though I am highly qualified. I was so hurt but then I walked in to a meeting at the UN where they asked me to lead and facilitate the discussion. After that, I was chosen by an incredible researcher to train and lead the graduate students in their training at the lab. Then, a government official asked me to come in and be in charge of a group of much older policy makers to bring forth real change. I was told that I am able to take a step back and let people work but that I step in when needed which indicates true leadership. My heart soared and suddenly I wasn't feeling so hurt anymore. I was a leader not because I was the loudest, but because I was the one that listened.

    I've hardened - This probably sounds so weird but let me explain. I am sensitive you guys. I am sensitive and emotional and I am proud. However, I've come to a point where I am able to control my emotions with such efficiency because in training therapy sessions or at my internship, I've gone through some awful cases that have made me want to cry. Obviously, you cannot be falling apart when you are trying to help people who need you to emulate strength and so I've learned to bottle my reactions and stay composed in the face of tragedy. I've been able to be a source of comfort for friends and family going through hell because I can keep it together. Sometimes, I'm in a room and everyone is sobbing and I am just standing there trying to comfort others and for me that is a sign of growth. I would have fallen apart and any and every tear before. 

    Phew - these are just some of things I am proud of. I would have never imagined myself writing this a year ago but a lot has happened. I would love to hear about things you are proud of because we should all apologetically celebrate our accomplishments. Sending lots of love, as always.


    A Little Lifesaver Called Findation

    Sunday, June 12, 2016

    I just wanted to let you all know about a website that has changed my life! Recently, I've become a bit of a makeup junkie (my best friend and I call each other makeup trash with great pride) but I am always afraid of two things: the makeup will break me out or it will be the wrong color. Thankfully, I come to you after finding a solution for one of those things. Color matching is an issue that so many people face but ladies and gentlemen, it's about to get a whole lot easier for those of us who use makeup because I would like to present Findation. 

    The website Findation matches you to all different types of foundations and concealers depending on shades you enter that have worked for you. The process is super simple.

    1. Enter a product or two that you know is a good match for you - They suggest you put two but I only put one. However, two will give you an even more accurate match.

    2. A Plethora of liquid, mineral, loose, pressed foundations, various concealers, and Tinted Moisturizers will be presented as possible matches for your skin. That's it! It's also important to note that drugstore items are also included - not only high end products.
    These are only some of the many, many matched products for me

    Talk about a complete lifesaver! Just wanted to share a website that I found extremely helpful. Let me know if this works for you!


    What to do - Summer 2016 in NYC

    Saturday, June 11, 2016

    I've been lucky enough to live about 20 minutes (with good traffic!) away from New York City pretty much my entire life and every summer, I really look forward to spending a good chunk of my time in the place that never sleeps. Here are a few things that I am personally looking forward to as the weather gets warmer:


    The Met's Rooftop Garden - I've always been a fan of movies and this exhibition spoke to my heat. Every year, certain artworks are commissioned for the Met's rooftop garden and this particular exhibition is called PsychoBarn which is an ode to the large-scale replica of the home featured in Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 horror film Psycho. To me personally, this is fascinating and I can't wait.

    Randall's Island Park- Panorama has got me screaming out of excitement!!! This Coachella-like music festival features some of my favorite artists (Kendrick Lamar, Daughter, Sia, Jai Wolf, A$AP Rocky to name a few) and it's so underrated. I can't wait to get my groove on and hopefully get blessed by some sweat from Kendrick (can you tell I'm a little in love). 

    The Cloisters

    Upper Manhattan- Surprisingly, this beautiful place is an extension of The Met and is a getaway in the city. This gorgeous garden area is especially known for it's European architecture, sculpture, and decorative art. In addition, the Cloisters also offer special program and really fantastic views of the Hudson. European getaway here I come.

    New World Mall

    Flushing, Queens-  Okay so I'm cheating a little bit on this one because it isn't technically in New York City but instead in Queens. However, this is something that I definitely wanted to put on this list because I love food and I love good prices. New World Mall is the largest East Asian mall on the East Coast and it consists of a 30,000 sq. feet supermarket, an amazing food court, and even clothing stores. What I am looking forward to the most is the authentic Asian cuisine at fantastic prices.

    What are some of your anticipated summer plans?


    And I'm Back!

    Thursday, June 9, 2016

    I am a little ashamed of how delayed this is! I've had a crazy year full of so many ups and downs and I had to put blogging on the side. The last few months have really tested my patience and my willingness to be around certain people but I have come through that test stronger, kinder, and more patient than ever. Growing from those experiences and coming back refreshed has allowed me to put some energy back into blogging :)

    So keep an eye out for new posts consisting of the various parts of my life. I'm so grateful for all the support and the love you all showed even while I was gone.

    (I have so many posts coming up that you'll be sick of me)


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